Participant Publications
A window into the diverse work of our participants, showcasing everything from mathematical articles to literary creations.

Bill Keehn has been a PMP participant since 2022, he earned a BA in Computer Science in 1987, and had a career as an embedded software engineer. He has been incarcerated since 2015 and in that time has developed interests in combinatorics, geometry, finite calculus, and recreational math and puzzles. He is currently working on Counting tiling of surfaces with triangular and hexagonal tiles, and ranking/unranking combinatorial objects.

I research scattering theory and in particular scattering resonances. Recently the PMP aided me with the typing of a handwritten manuscript of my first paper, which is now available online

Christopher founded the PMP to give others the opportunities he had. He currently does research in continued fraction and cryptography and is writing a foundation textbook on continued fractions.

Christopher entered prison 19 years ago with an 8th grade education. Since then, he taught himself a second language, from high school algebra through vector calculus, differential equations, symbolic logics and beyond, and earned an associates degree from Ohio University. Currently, while taking a web development course, he has designed an advanced webgl game engine from scratch with dozens of geometries, material and mesh types including particles, web worker pathfinding, procedural level and terrain generation, as well as simple logistic classifiers, one scoring as high as a 98% on the R.A.Fisher iris plants dataset.